We caught up with this sultry summer babe and asked Nikki what her favorite fried food was. Her response...fried nothing. Wow this muse has self control. We chose Nikki to be our Muse of the Month of May because she is a ton of fun, loves to ride around in her convertible, obsessed with shopping and an avid yogini.....the perfect #mersurmuse.....read her entire interview below.
#MersurMuse 20 Questions
Name: Nicole Dickson but everyone calls me Nikki
Tagline: Just breathe….........
Nikki glamoursly wearing the Vivi in Fuschia Sunset Ombre Silk while cruising the Caribbean.
1. Describe your first encounter with Mersur?
My first encounter with Mersur was when I first heard about Sarah’s brand and decided to look it up and see what she was selling. Then I purchased two Mersurs.
2. What are three words that comes to mind to describe the Mersur lifestyle?
Fresh, fun and free
3. We say at Mersur breathing is the best high. What give you the best high? How do you get your personal high?
My best high is beach breathing. Taking in the fresh air and letting it all go!
4. What is your goddess routine?
I go to the gym every morning (or almost) bright and early – 5:15 am and do yoga 3 times a week at least. Sticking with my schedule keeps me in routine, knowing that I own that and control that makes me empowered.
How do you remind yourself that you are a goddess everyday?
Being my best “self” every day is what makes me feel like a goddess everyday. Knowing that I have done all that I can to be my best!
What makes you feel like a goddess?
I try to find the goodness and positives in all things. My husband makes me feel like a goddess in so many ways! Treating myself makes me feel this way. Knowing that I have been through some of the things I have and that I didn’t let it ruin me makes me feel this way. Knowing that I can breathe in the fresh air and have all the blessings that I do makes me feel like a goddess.
5. Describe your dream destination right now?
Tahiti for sure
6.Describe your fave vacation holiday spot?
Any place that has a warm ocean breeze and beautiful blue water.
What do you like about it?
I am definitely a water person and love the beach. I also have many beautiful memories with my mother at the beach and feel her presence when I am there. When I am “home” I enjoy Keuka Lake and find the same comfort there.
7. What song are you singing in the shower, playing on repeat or belting out loud to in the car?
There are so many…anything up beat and groovin’! I love many different genres and it depends on my mood for the day as to what keeps me moving. Joe Crocker … You Can Leave Your Hat On! I relax and listen to yoga music when I just want to unwind and when doing meditation. Elvis was my Dad’s favorite and I love listening to him! However…Mustang Sally is my all time FAVE!
8. Hot or iced?
9. Fill in the blank. Fried ___________?
Fried nothing.....
10. What is your favorite scent?
Vanilla cake baking
11. How do you own your own style?
I wear what I feel comfortable in but it has to be easy, clean lines and feel good.
12. Sunrise or sunset?
13.. How do you want to feel in your clothes? How does wearing your mersur make you feel?
I want to feel like I shine where ever I go. I don’t want to “stand out” and look strange…just want to shine.
Where was your favorite place to wear your mersur…
I like to wear it on our boat at the lake and enjoyed wearing it at the beach on vacation.
14. Tell us about the work you do and why is it important to woman?
My husband and I own two businesses and I am the office manager and do the bookeeping for those. It is important for me to work with him and to be a partner in our life. We work together and are a team. I also take care of the carpooling and tend to a lot of the needs of the children but we balance things and I am also able to do what I need to for myself so things work out well. I am able to be ME and that makes me a better Mom and Wife. I know I am needed at the office and at home and things don’t work anywhere if I am not making it all click. (That is a good feeling.)
15. Do you believe in mermaids?
Of course! I believe in all things magical. You must in this world.
16. How do you turn an everyday workday into an adventure?
Every day is a balancing act between kids’ schedules, sporting events, work and the time I need for the gym or appointments, myself and of course there is time for US. So, it is always an adventure.
17. What is your favorite way to have fun?
We enjoy spending time as a family on the lake boating and Bryan and I enjoy going for drives in the convertible. And I LOVE shopping!
Feeling positive and wearing a smile is having fun for me. Sharing good vibes and positivity and making others feel good about themselves is fun. I try to live in the minute and find fun and good things everywhere I can. Life is just too short.
18. Fave drink?
Mostly water but if I am out it is Moscato or Crown Royal
19. Fave colour you think should be a neutral?
20. What makes you a #mersurmuse?
I do my best to live life to the fullest, share the love and just BE!
Thanks Nikki for being an embodiment of the #mersurmovement. Please come back and shop with us anytime......we love that you stated that as one of your favorite things to do!