Splurge........buy the bold print and not the black. Live outside your comfort zone. Get the green hat and not the black fedora. Go out on a limb and live a little dangerously.....with our fashion choices. Invite colour and pattern into your life. Have a date with destiny. No one will be harmed if you buy the dress.
We love the way, #mersurmuse, Giovanna decided on the one of a kind Delphine in #decodrive and then realized she couldn't live with out the Anni as well. At Mersur, we love this kind of customer. It's the client that gets the bold mission of mersur and realizes how special each piece is. The always want to come back and discover more.
Splurge in your life. "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver....................... go on.........S P L U R G E. Will you join me in this movement? #mersurmovement
This is our chief #mersurmuse in the same print, deco drive but in the LULU tunic......shop now because we only have 3 left. Of course we want you to have one! All Mersur's are 100% made in America and our limited edition print tunics. So you won't see someone else wearing this at a beach near you! Hello Beaches!