Meet Nate and Our All New MerSir Muse of the Month (March 2018)

Confetti drop.....Drum Roll... Let's put your hands together..............................for our March Mersur Muse of the Month. Let's welcome Nate to the style spotlight and our all new Mersur Muse of the Month format. That's why we've had a little break from profiles for the past few months as we were deep in our mersur design labs creating an all new series of questions (just in case you were missing them) let's welcome in the first day of spring 2018 and our MerSir (Male Mersur Muse) Muse of the Month...........Nate, a fun friend we met in Miami at endless summer camp.  



Name: Nate 

Instagram: @nateinmiami

Tagline: We don't give a f$&#!!!!

1. Budgy Smugglers or Boardies? Budgy Smugglers

2. Long shorts or short shorts? Short Shorts!

3. Beach or Poolside? Beach!

4. Snail Mail or Text Message? Both!

5. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunrise!

6. What do you love to do for fun? I love anything that lets me be silly. Day to day life can be so serious most of the time. I jump at any chance I get to just embrace the absurd. Despite most people still not getting it, self-parody and satire is one of my specialties! I love being outside. The beach. The mountains. Laying in the sand or hiking up a trail. I like a good debate, and I've been known to quietly stir things up a bit from time to time! Most of all, I enjoy the company of others who aren't afraid to just be themselves, embrace their inner silliness and don't really care what anyone else thinks!

7. I’ll bet you love to travel. What destinations are lighting up your vision board this year? I was all over the place in 2017: Caracas, moving to Miami, New York a few times, my hometown in Pennsylvania, New Orleans, LA, Italy and even rural, northern Idaho! This year, I'm actually looking forward to being still. I spend hours staring at a map, thinking about where I'd like to go, but I can't think of anything better at the moment than just biking over to Miami Beach for the day. I do miss the mountains, and would like to get one good hiking trip scheduled sometime this year. And I have a wedding coming up in Chicago to attend. I've started thinking about Tel Aviv or maybe Japan or Iceland. But no where when it is cold! It's actually the first time in a LONG while that I don't have a big trip planned, and I'm actually OK with that!

8. What is your favorite beach destination? Los Roques, Venezuela (although I sadly I can't recommend that anyone visit the country at the moment because of the crisis going on there. Such a shame!)

9. If you could take a course in something (without having to be good at it) what would you like to learn? Hip-Hop dancing

10. What do you want to be said about you at your 75th birthday party? You're one crazy mofo! You never let anyone hurt you too much, but when they did, you took it with class. You never hold a grudge, for too long that is. You give with an open hand, never asking or wanting anything back in return. You're never afraid to do what's right or say what needs to be said. You spend more time laughing than stressing. You hate the rules, but you respect them, well most of them, when it's for the greater good. Your're quiet sometimes, but always thoughtfully so, and you've never hid who you truly are. You're kind and fair, even if that means sometimes taking way to much crap from people. You never give up on anyone you care about. You're a loyal friend. You're a trend setter, and always slightly ahead of what's next. You've got your finger on the zeitgeist! You're a good listener, and an even better story teller! And above all, you're fun and carefree! And great news, this pill we're presenting you is brand new. Not only will it restore your body to your former 35-year-old self, but it also means we'll all be back here in another 75 years for your 105th!

11. Do you believe in Mermaids or Mermen? Look here to find out.

12. What's your favorite guilty or not so guilty pleasure? Turkey pepperoni.

13. What's a must have in your carry-on bag? Sun block!

14. If you received a gift from a secret admirer, what would you love to receive? a Cartier love bracelet... (Basic, I know!). But I'd settle for a sweet love letter, hand written on cute paper!

15. What do you love about wearing your new Mersur? I love color. And I love light, breezy fabrics. Whether around my neck or wrapped around my waist (or playing dress-up), my Mersur scarfs always brighten my day!



Thanks Nate for allowing us to peek into your life. We'd love to join you on a trip to Japan. Looking forward to receiving the invite for your 75th birthday bash at the Fountaine Bleu! Thank you for loving what we make.
