#MersurMuse of the Month, May
Mersur Muse: Erin Ducharme Waters, CEO of 11:11 COLLECTION the jewelry of synchronicity
Website: 1111collection.com
Instagram: @1111collection
Tagline: “Raising the vibration of the world, one wrist at a time”
Mersur Muse Erin wearing the Lulu in Hibiscus Sunrise and her signature leather wrist wraps. Get one today!
1. Bikini or One Piece? One piece. I love the 50’s style suits.
2. Mini or Maxi? Maxi
3. Beach or Poolside? Beachside any day! I am completely at peace at the beach. It’s my happiest place.
4. Snail Mail or Text Message? It depends. i love to send & receive snail mail but i obviously love the convenience of text.
5. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset, every damn day.
6. Do you believe in Mermaids? Only at Disney - Otherwise, i believe women stand on their own two feet & kick ass doing it.
7. What do you love to do for fun? I love to hang with my besties, sipping prosecco & telling great stories or going to concerts or traveling together. But my most fun is had with my husband. He’s a musician so i love to go see him perform. and he’s such a badass human, that whatever we do together is the best fun.
8. I’ll bet you love to travel. What destinations are lighting up your vision board this year? Oh! travel is the greatest thing on earth. it makes me sooo happy! this year are small trips... a bestie is turning 40 so we’re going to celebrate at the Gorge in Washington, seeing 3 phish shows. i’d definitely like to get back to Nashville becasue well, you cant have more fun than Nashville. And we’ll be spending a lot of time at the beach this year. We just bought a place, and I can’t wait to dig into it. Next year, is our 20th anniversary & we’re going to Italy for a month to celebrate. I’m like a "4 year old on Christmas Eve" excited about that!
9. What is your favorite beach destination? The most beautiful, I think would have to be Alexandria, Egypt. that was breathtaking. But probably my favorite destination is Aruba... that’s one happy island or the Riviera Maya, Excellence Resort. ahhh beach.
10. What's a must have in your carry-on bag? Always a wrap scarf, hand sanitizer, doTerra console roller, my Danielle Laporte planner, sunnies & business cards.
11. If you could take a course in something (without having to be good at it) what would you like to learn? Welding. i’ve always wanted to learn how to weld.
12. What do you want to be said about you at your 75th birthday party? This chick loves fiercely... in really great jewelry.
13. What's your favorite guilty or not so guilty pleasure? Pizza.
14. If you received a gift from a secret admirer, what would you love to receive? Cartier. More specifically, a Cartier love collection yellow gold bangle.
15. What do you love about wearing your new mersur? Wearing Mersur makes everything fun. There’s nothing “ho hum” about a mersur & sometimes, it’s the kick that a day needs, to go from boring to brilliant & happy.
Erin Ohmming it out in her healing house! I've been there and it's so peaceful and calming!
It was so fun featuring Erin as our May Muse of the Month. I've know Erin since I was four years old when we met in nursery school. However, reading Erin's answers we've learned so totally new things like her preference for 50's style swim suits and long dresses. Erin see you in welding class and thank you so much for your badassery. I've been totally tapping into my inner bitch this past month and wondering if I ask her nicely (lol), will she make me a custom 11:11 that says BADASS BITCH. Check out Erin's fierce leather wrist wraps right here.