You know what time it is goddesses! It's time for our Mersur Muse of the Month of December! This month we get to highlight Jojo who happens to be one of our best mersur muse friends. The best part is I personally got to interview Joanna while sitting across from her while sitting on her couch in Long Island City, Queens. Read further for some fun and laughs!
Joanna bumming around Bimini, Bahamas in the Lana from Mersur.
Name: Joanna Beer
Instagram: @jojonyclic
Tagline –
1. Bikini or One Piece? Bikini!
2. Mini or Maxi? Mini!
3. Beach or Poolside? I love both! Specifically a heated pool by a calm beach like the Mediterranean.
4. Snail Mail or Text Message? Text
5. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset!
Jojo on Turtle Beach, Ohau Hawaii in the Linen Stripe Scarf from Mersur.
6. What do you love to do for fun? I love to hang out with dope bitches. Read great books.
7. I’ll bet you love to travel. What destinations are lighting up your vision board this year? Hawaii!
8. What is your favorite beach destination? Tel Aviv
9. If you could take a course in something (without having to be good at it) what would you like to learn? I would love to learn Chinese
10. What do you want to be said about you at your 75th birthday party? Wow, she looks great! No wonder she is sexually active.
11. What's your favorite guilty or not so guilty pleasure? The Bachelor
12. What's a must have in your carry-on bag? Tinted lip gloss
13. If you received a gift from a secret admirer, what would you love to receive? Anything romantic.
14. What do you love about wearing your new mersur? I love the compliments! I also love the colors.
15. What are three words that coming to mind when you slip on your Mersur? Dope, gorgeous, Rich AF
The Lana in Protea Sunset never looked so good! Oahu, Hawaii.
It was an honour and pleasure to feature our friend and mersurmuse Joanna in this months profile. Happy Holidays everybody and be sure to follow @jojonylic adventures on IG.