We loved every moment we got to spend with Steffi this past season in Miami. We met her at the Mersur fashion show Nikki Beach and she has been a triple #mersurmuse ever since. She can't get enough of the brands signature prints. We love how much Stephanie inspires us to love our body. Read the full interview below and enjoy every curve.
#MersurMuse 20 Questions
Name: Stephanie Johansen
Instagram: @steffigj
Tagline: Be who you wanna be, not who everyone else wants you to be #loveyourself
Steffi in the Lana in Protea Sunrise in South Beach, Miami
1. Describe your first encounter with Mersur?
My first encounter with Mersur was when I met Sarah Shirley, at my language school. She was my teacher and one day she asked if I was up for helping her with her fashion show and working backstage, which I was happy to do.
2. What are three words that comes to mind to describe the brand?
goddess, summer, unique.
3. We say at Mersur breathing is the best high. What give you the best high and how do you get your personal high?
What gives me the best high is to travel and experience new things. I get high from trying new things I have never done before.
4. What makes you feel like a goddess?
I feel like a goddess when I feel comfortable in what I'm wearing.
5. Describe your dream destination right now?
My dream destination now would be Singapore or the Philippines, that's were I want to go next.
6.Describe your fave vacation holiday spot and what do you like about it?
New York during Christmas. With all the lights and the snow it is just so beautiful!
7. What song are you singing in the shower, playing on repeat or belting out loud to in the car?
The song I have in repeat now is: I'm the one - Dj Khalid ft. Justin Bieber
8. Hot or iced?
9. Fill in the blank. Fried ____________.
10. What is your favorite scent?
My favorite scent is the smell of roses
11. How do you own your own style?
By putting my outfits together the way I see fit. Usually not afraid of wearing anything, but I like a mix between casual chic, classy and relaxing looks.
12. Sunrise or sunset?
13. How do you want to feel in your clothes? How does wearing your mersur make you feel. Where was your favorite place to wear your mersur?
I want to feel confident in my clothing. Wearing my Mersur makes me feel great about myself. I feel classy and chic wearing my Mersur. I love wearing Mersur all over Miami. It's the perfect wardrobe for the beach.
Stephanie in the LULU in the DecoDrive
14. Tell us about the work you do and why is it important to woman?
I want to be a role model for women with curvy bodies. For a long time I didn't feel good about myself and the way I look, but I have finally started to embrace my curves, my freckles and everything else that makes me who I am today. And today now I love the way I look.
15. Do you believe in mermaids?
Not really, but I have a small hope that it is real.
16. How do you turn an everyday workday into an adventure?
By trying to stay positive, looking for new challenges to do and make everyday a little bit better for someone else.
17. What is your favorite way to have fun?
With friends and trying new things.
18. Fave drink?
Beer...It's pretty simple so a beer makes me feel really happy.
19. Fave colour you think should be a neutral?
20. What makes you a #mersurmuse?
The fact that I am a body activist and show women how to be strong and independent regardless of what you go through or what have happened to you in the past. I lead by example by showing women that life can still be good in spite of everything that happens to you. I am example of woman who prevails.
Steffi in the Stella in Citron Magic.
Thank you Stepanie for reppin' the August Muse of the Month! We adore you and keep being the most amazing role model!
Thank you Stepanie for reppin' the August Muse of the Month! We adore you and keep being the most amazing role model!